Twentysomething’s Supper, February 9th.
Pastor Nate is launching a monthly get-together for twentysomethings—single, married, kids, no kids, doesn’t matter; if you are in your 20s or thereabouts, you are welcome. You can bring friends, too. It will be a casual time of sharing a meal and hanging out, followed by a discussion about theology. Gatherings are on the second Sunday of the month at 3 pm at pastor Nate’s house, 2125 Academy Rd. RSVP here.
Get Your Songbook.
We’ve put together a small booklet featuring all the hymns of the month, along with the service songs we sing throughout the year. You can pick up a copy at the Connect Desk—feel free to take up to four copies for your household. If you’d like additional copies, you can request them at the Connect Desk. Our hope is that this resource encourages regular singing in your homes.
Church Blog and Podcast.
Did you know our church has a blog and podcast? Over a year ago, we launched Renew Northwest as a platform to provide additional teaching for our congregation beyond the pulpit. Visit renewnorthwest.com to read the blog, and search for Renew Northwest wherever you listen to podcasts.
Hospitality Volunteers Needed.
Have an extra 20 minutes to spare on Sunday morning? Our hospitality team—responsible for greeting, setting up coffee, preparing communion elements, and more—could use some extra help! This team is perfect for anyone looking to get more involved, especially if you’re new to our church, and the commitment is minimal. For more information, please email Cari at admin@christchurchbellingham.org.
Marriage Conference, March 21–22.
Mark your calendars for an in-house marriage conference, Friday evening–Saturday midday—more details to follow.