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Christ Church Bellingham

2826 Birchwood Ave
Bellingham, WA 98225

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Giving is an act of worship that all Christians are called to do throughout Scripture.

The principle of tithing (giving 10% of your income) is established in the Old Testament as a way to support the Levitical priesthood and the work of the tabernacle/temple (Leviticus 27:30-32, Numbers 18:21-24, Deuteronomy 14:22-29).

God’s people are instructed to bring their tithes and offerings to the “storehouse” (the temple) for the support of the Levites and the poor (Malachi 3:10).

Jesus affirmed the practice of tithing (Matthew 23:23) while also emphasizing the greater principle of generosity and giving from the heart (Mark 12:41-44).

The apostle Paul instructed the churches to set aside offerings on the first day of the week for the support of gospel ministry (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).

Giving is portrayed as an act of worship, a spiritual sacrifice pleasing to God (Philippians 4:18, Hebrews 13:16).

Giving to the church is a biblical mandate rooted in the Old Testament practice of tithing and carried forward in the New Testament as a means of supporting gospel ministry, caring for the poor, expressing worship and gratitude to God, and growing in our faith and obedience.

The Bible speaks of two methods for giving: the tithe—mandatory baseline support for gospel ministry, and offerings—gifts given generously from the heart as acts of worship, gratitude, and spiritual growth.


The tithe (literally ‘a tenth’) of one's income or increase that is to be given as the baseline requirement and first priority in giving. This principle is established in the Old Testament:

“Every tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is the LORD’s; it is holy to the LORD” (Leviticus 27:30).

Tithes were specifically for the support of the Levitical priesthood and the tabernacle/temple work (Numbers 18:21-24).

The New Testament affirms the practice of tithing. Jesus affirmed tithing while emphasizing generosity from the heart (Matthew 23:23, Luke 21:1-4). Paul instructed churches to set aside a portion on the first day as an offering for ministry support (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).


Offerings are freewill gifts given to the church over and above the tithe, with the amount determined by the giver’s ability and desire.

In the Old Testament, offerings were brought as acts of worship and thanksgiving during appointed times (Deuteronomy 16:16-17).

In the New Testament, believers are instructed to share generously with those in need (2 Corinthians 8-9).

Offerings are a means of expressing gratitude, growing in faith, honoring God with our substance, and storing up eternal treasures (2 Corinthians 9:11-12, Matthew 6:19-21).

The Bible provides clear laws and principles on giving to the church through tithes and offerings. While these laws are an extension of the immutable character of God, we can apply biblical principles to our current context and use those to direct our giving.


Ensure as much of our tithe as possible goes towards the work of the church.

We are stewards, not owners, of the material blessings God has entrusted to us (Psalm 24:1, 1 Chronicles 29:14). As stewards, we are called to give generously, sacrificially, and joyfully to support the work of gospel ministry and care for the poor.


Give of the first portion from our labors.

We are instructed to honor the Lord with the firstfruits of our increase (Proverbs 3:9-10).For this reason, many tithe from their gross pay rather than their net, but this is by no means a biblical mandate. Either way, giving the first portion rather than the leftovers demonstrates trust in God's provision.


10% is the baseline, not the ceiling.

Generous giving is modeled throughout Scripture, flowing from a heart of gratitude and worship (2 Corinthians 8:1-7, 9:6-15). We cannot outgive God (Luke 6:38).


Pray that God would fill you and your family with a spirit of joy.

Giving should be done joyfully and voluntarily, not reluctantly or under compulsion (2 Corinthians 9:7). God loves a cheerful giver.

Practically Speaking

The Bible shares evolving methods of giving. The first documented offering was Abel’s firstfruits of his flock (Genesis 4:4). One of the latest documented offering was the widow’s coin (Mark 12:41). So how should Christians in the 21st century give?

While we don’t prescribe one single method, as the Diaconate, we advise that scheduling a tithe on the first of the month via ACH transfer is the best way to have the largest percentage of your tithe go towards the work of the church.

By scheduling it online, you help reduce our overhead costs (e.g. less time spent on processing cash or checks). And by using ACH transfer (instead of a credit or debit card), you effectively ensure that 99.9% of your tithe goes to our church, instead of close to 3% going to a credit card company via processing fees.

Further Study

Consider reading the Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn and the “Kingdom First” pamphlet published by our denomination, and listening to our “Generosity” sermon series.

Setting up a payment method in the Church Center app for the first time

Mobile app

  1. Open the Church Center app (download or use web version at
  2. Touch ‘Give’ in the bottom-right corner
  3. Touch ‘My giving’ in bottom-left side of the screen
  4. Touch ‘Payment Methods’
  5. Touch ‘Add a new payment method’
  6. Touch ‘US Bank Account’ (if based in the US) and touch ‘Continue’
  7. If you’d like to verify with Plaid (a secure way to connect your bank account) tap ‘Agree and Continue’. If you’d rather connect manually, touch ‘Manually verify instead’ at the very bottom of the screen.
  8. Follow the prompts to finish connecting your payment method.

Desktop or Tablet

  1. Log into Church Center.
  2. Click ‘Give’ in the top right menu, next to the bell.
  3. Click ‘Add payment method’ at bottom of the screen.
  4. Click ‘US bank account’ (if based in the US) and
  5. If you’d like to verify with Plaid (a secure way to connect your bank account) search for and select your bank. If you’d rather connect manually, click ‘Enter bank details manually instead’ at the very bottom of the screen.
  6. Follow the prompts to finish connecting your payment method.

Use our mobile app or website to give securely online, set up a recurring donation, or send a one-time gift.

Mobile app

  1. Open the Church Center app.
  2. Touch ‘Give’ in the bottom-right corner.
  3. Enter the amount you’d like to give and tap ‘Next’.
  4. The default Fund is Tithes & Offerings. If you’d like to select a different fund, tap the dropdown.
  5. The default Frequency is ‘One Time (now)’. If you’d like to set up a recurring gift, tap the dropdown and select your preferred cadence.
  6. Select a payment method. Unless you have a unique situation, we would request that you use ACH bank transfer, as this involves the lowest processing fees.
  7. Tap ‘Give $X now’ to complete your donation.

Desktop or Tablet

  1. Log into Church Center.
  2. Click ‘Give’ in the top right menu, next to the bell.
  3. Enter the amount.
  4. The default Fund is Tithes & Offerings. If you’d like to select a different fund, click the dropdown.
  5. Note: if you’d like to donate to multiple funds at the same time (and only pay for a single processing fee), you can do so by clicking ‘+ Add donation’.
  6. The default Frequency is ‘One time’. If you’d like to set up a recurring gift, click the dropdown and select your preferred cadence.
  7. Select a payment method. Unless you have a unique situation, we would request that you use ACH bank transfer, as this involves the lowest processing fees.
  8. Click ‘Give $X now’ to complete your donation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Given the proliferation of online fraud, this is a legitimate concern. Thankfully, the Church Center app uses Plaid to safely connect your bank account with the payment processor, Stripe. Your credentials are secure with Plaid and are not ever shared with CCB, the Church Center app, or even the payment processor. Learn more on Plaid’s website.

    If you’re not comfortable using Plaid to connect your bank account, that‘s completely fine — you can connect using your account and routing numbers, simply click the ‘Enter bank details manually instead’ option at the bottom of the screen.

  • We understand the benefits of using a credit card, as it’s a good way to build credit, get rewards, and age your money! However the processing fees for credit cards mean fewer of your dollars make it to the church (about 3%).

    Since ACH bank transfers have no processing fees, your whole tithe is preserved.

  • There are many legitimate arguments to be made for either answer. — we won’t do an exhaustive dive in this FAQ, but we will say it’s definitely something to pray about, discuss with your spouse, and seek wise counsel over.

    For what it’s worth, many of our church leaders tithe from their gross income as a means of giving God their firstfruits.

  • Of course. The Bible is not overly prescriptive about the mode of the tithe; we encourage you to faithfully follow the biblical principles for giving.

  • While the offering time during a worship service is an excellent way for you to teach by doing, it is not the only way! In keeping with Deuteronomy 6, you should be teaching your children constantly about God’s word. Discussing money with them outside of the church service is greatly beneficial for their walk.

    One great way to teach young children is to help them divide up any money they get (birthdays, holidays, etc.) and give a tithe in the offering on the following Sunday.

    If you want them to see you giving but also want to enjoy the benefits of online giving, you might do the bulk of your giving online but preserve a portion for in-person.

  • Know that you are not alone, especially in Bellingham where cost of living has skyrocketed in recent years. At the same time, God’s word tells us in Malachi 3:8–10 to bring the full tithe into the storehouse and see if God doesn’t take care of you!

    As a diaconate we would love to come alongside you to pray for you, help you budget, and connect you with others in the church who can offer wise counsel based on your specific context.