Women’s Ministry

CCB Women’s Ministry aspires to promote a culture of holiness and grace among the women of Christ Church Bellingham, such that the mind, affections, and will of women in our church are shaped by and rooted in God’s word. We seek to equip women in being theologically sound by facilitating scripturally based, grace-filled gatherings, cultivating a community that encourages and supports one another in all seasons of life.


Join us for our Annual Spring Brunch!

Saturday, March 15 at 9:00-11:45

Our theme this year is Spiritual Mothering. Meagan Wynne will be teaching through the Titus 2 passage and talking to us about potential obstacles in submitting to what Scripture is calling us to. We will also hear testimonies of a few women in our church who are practicing Spiritual Mothering in informal ways. You won't want to miss this! Ages 16 + are encouraged to come.

All attendees will receive a copy of Susan Hunt's book "Spiritual Mothering" which we are really excited to be reading through this year!

Register here! Please RSVP by March 8th 


Save the Dates for our upcoming Women's Gatherings. More details to come! 

  • March 21 PM & 22nd AM: Marriage Conference at the church

  • May 17: Hospitality & Skill Share 

  • July 19**: Loving your husbands and children & Skill Share

  • August 16**: Lake Day at the Hensens

  • October 17- 19: Women's Retreat 

  • November 15**: Gathering & Skill Share

** Subject to change